Beyond the Sound Bite

Beyond the Sound Bite

Recent Media Quotes and Appearances: Financial Times, Bloomberg Radio

September 02, 2015

Recently, Financial Times reporter and market commentator, John Authers authored a market commentary on August 26th in which yours truly was among those quoted, including the following: "Another measure that has enduring appeal, and that can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, is a simple gauge of the market’s momentum, which is one of the strongest forces driving the market. Vinny Catalano of New York’s Blue Marble Research suggests that a “mega-trend reversal” tool can signal whether a true bear market has started. This compares the market’s price with its recent trend (its average over the past 50 days) and its longer trend (its average over the past 200 days). When the 50-day moving average drops below the 200-day (sometimes colourfully called a “death cross”) while the price drops below both, and all are heading downwards, an upward trend has been decisively reversed." To read the entire commentary, including a chart illustrating the Mega Trend, click here. On September 1,  I had the pleasure of appearing once again on Bloomberg radio with hosts Carol Massar and Vonnie Quinn. The appearance explored the above noted FT commentary and other related topics further. To listen, click here.