Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Latest Episodes

Instant Pain Relief & Stress Reduction with Dr. Amy Novotny and The PABR Method!
March 27, 2023

Amy Novotny, a Physical Therapist and founder of the PABR Method, discovers her revolutionary way of breathing and body positioning to help people achieve physical, mental, and emotional relief - driving them to confront the central conflict of breaking d

JERRY'S SHORT: Three Critical Ingredients to Start a Business
March 23, 2023

What three critical ingredients do you need to start a business that will succeed with you at the helm?We are discussing three key takeaways from Episode 349 with Angel Pretot who shared how he left his tech industry job to start an online coaching and te

Legacy of a Father: Ken Carfagno's Story of Choosing Family Over Business
March 20, 2023

After Ken Carfagno's wake-up call from an executive who shared that his career success came at the cost of his family life, Ken set out to prove that relationships and treating people like people, not cogs on a wheel, is the key to being a great lead

From Dissatisfied Employee to French Fluency: Angel Pretot's Online Business Journey
March 13, 2023

Angel Pretot, a French master's degree holder, takes an unexpected and daring journey to challenge the status quo by founding FrenchFluency.Net, a French-learning coaching business and discovers the ultimate freedom of working online.You will learn:1

Finding Motivation and Maximizing Productivity with Dr. Kevin Gazzara
March 06, 2023

Maximize productivity and find motivation in your workplace through a Task Quotient assessment, a revolutionary task management approach from Dr. Kevin Gazzara!In this episode with Dr. Kevin Gazzara, you will learn:1. Invest in yourself to become more sel

JERRY'S SHORT: Want Different Results? Play with a New Set of Rules (JS011)
March 02, 2023

The definition of insanity is said to be "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results." If you want different results, maybe it's time to play the game of life with a new set of rules.Here's a free chapter from my up

College Planning & Financing: How to Afford Your Kids' Education with Matt Meline
February 27, 2023

Gain the insights you need to make informed decisions about financing your college education with our comprehensive guide to college planning and financing.You will learn how to make informed decisions about financing your college education with our compr

Healing Lives: Dr. Corey Gilbert's Transformative Ministry for Men Healing from Trauma
February 23, 2023

When Dr. Corey Gilbert's counseling sessions exceed the typical 50 minutes and he enters clients' homes, he discovers the key to success is discipleship, not "counseling"; an inspiring journey to help men rise up and break free from th

Exploring God’s Design for Marriage and Headship with Pastor Scott LaPierre
February 20, 2023

Headship in Christian marriage is a concept that is often misunderstood and misused, leading to harmful power imbalances and the perpetuation of patriarchal attitudes. But what if we told you that, in God’s design for marriage, headship is not about entit

Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, and Career
February 16, 2023

What if there was a way to have more time with your family, advance your career or business, and enjoy more of your paycheck?Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, and Career is a fascinating motivational book that will inspire