Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Latest Episodes

Leveraging Credit to Grow Your Small Business with Gerri Detweiler
June 26, 2020

Credit expert Gerri Detweiler discusses the pros and cons of leveraging credit to grow a small business and explains what a credit report is for small businesses.

A CentsAble Chat with Personal Finance Coach Bobbi Olsen
June 09, 2020

Bobbie Olsen, host of the podcast CentsAble Chat, shares insights on budgeting made easy for your personal finances.

Nancy Guberti on How Nutrition and Wellness Starts with Mindset
May 20, 2020

If you're ready to get out of a rut and live life at optimal health, Nancy Guberti will talk through how mindset is the key to your health and wellness.

How to Apply the Hero's Journey to Your Life with J Scott MacMillan
May 13, 2020

Author, filmmaker, and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming life coach J. Scott MacMillan centers his work around the theory of the Hero’s Journey. Drawing upon the concept’s relatable and inspirational nature, MacMillan has adopted tools to help himsel

Katina Stith Overcoming Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking and Suicide
May 06, 2020

Katina Stith is a friend of ours who shares how she turned her pain from sexual assault, human trafficking and suicide into a ministry for human rights.

Making Child Care Business Adjustments During COVID-19
April 28, 2020

Kainee Bram returns to share insights on how she has had to adjust her business during the COVID-19 quarantine, or shelter-in-place, order. Listen to how she has kept the business running and serving others in a safe and diligent manner.See the full...

Building Community During COVID-19 Social Distancing
April 14, 2020

How do you leverage technology to build community when the world seems shut down? This is what one church is doing to get beyond the rut of social distancing.Visit for the full show notes.

Your Guide to Being a Fearless Communicator with Sha Sparks
April 01, 2020

Shā Sparks is an energetic, loving, and inspiring speaker, coach, and author whose mission is to help women transform their trauma into treasure.See the full show notes at

Lessons We Can Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic
March 24, 2020

Brandon and Jerry share their insights on the COVID-19 Pandemic as it relates to living life Beyond the Rut.See the show notes at

The Emotelligent Leader Kingsley Grant Building Effective Teams
March 18, 2020

Kingsley Grant is providing the cure for toxic work environments and helping leaders unleash the human potential to build effective teams. See the full show notes at