Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Brandon’s 5 a.m. Daily Morning Routine – BtR 145

August 28, 2018

Same Time Different Daily Morning Routine

It turns out that Jerry is not the only one on the Beyond the Rut team with a 5 a.m. daily morning routine! Similar to Jerry, Brandon finds time for prayer, journaling, and personal growth every morning starting at 5 a.m.

Unlike Jerry, Brandon conducts a lot of his quiet time while running or working out in the morning. You'll have to listen to this episode to see how he pulls that off and how waking up early benefits Brandon by having a consistent 5 a.m. daily morning routine.

Maybe you're looking for a healthy morning routine, or wanting a good morning routine before work. Maybe you want both! This is the episode for you. Take a listen, because Brandon and Jerry will share some of what they do in the morning for fitness, spiritual and emotional self-care, fit in personal growth, and how they prepare themselves for the work day.

Episode Highlights

* Preparing for bed for a good night's rest* Setting things in place for 5 a.m.* The process of self-development* Showing up for work* Jerry's 3-month update for a 5 a.m. morning routine* Why the morning for us? Why not an afternoon or evening routine?

After reading these show notes and listening to our episode, you may still be wondering what is the best morning routine for you? The bottom line is that all depends on you. The best morning routine for you will be the one that helps you achieve what you want in life that you will pull off consistently every day. It is what you do plus consistency that shapes your life.

Comment below. What will, or does, your daily morning routine look like?

Resources and Links

Looking for daily routine examples? Check out the resources below.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

BtR 137 - How to Find that Extra Time for Your Own Miracle Morning

Read - The Morning Routine That Gives You the Advantage to Succeed for the Day

Read - The Best Morning Routine (Backed by Science) written by Taylor Pearson

Read - The Morning Routines of the Most Successful People by Fast Company

BtR 060 - What Works? ItWorks! Brandon's Weight Loss Journey

Brandon mentioned "the greens" a number of times in this episode. Learn more about this dietary supplement he has been using since 2016. See the before and after photos as well by going to episode 60 linked above. Brandon's ItWorks! site.

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