Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

7 Favorite Moments from 2016 – BtR 068

December 28, 2016

We have enough episodes to finally do a “Best of” episode to close out 2016. Listen to our Top 7 moments from 2016 episodes of Beyond the Rut.
There were a lot of highlights to choose from, and this was probably the hardest episode to put together because of the limit we put on ourselves.
(0:45) Our first highlight clip comes from BtR 021, From Ferris Bueller to Scheduling What Matters Most.  Randy Pausch wrote a book called The Last Lecture which shared how he made the most of his life in its final year(s).
(4:18) Note from Jerry: Similar to Brandon’s first pick, I was driven this year by the question, “What if you only had five years left to live?” BtR 045
(8:05) Brandon’s second pick comes from the first interview we did in 2016. It was also the first interview we did ever. Davidson Young shared with us a concept he refers to as a “microfear” and how he combats them when he is his by one. BtR 022, Leaving Corporate Life to Pursue a Dream.
(10:53) Jared Easley from Starve the Doubts Podcast brought an interesting nugget of insight regarding getting out of the rut. What if getting out of the rut entailed this approach? BtR 039, Become a Noticer.
(13:57) Brandon went through a job change in 2016. It was a big change towards his goals and livelihood that did not and could not wait until the new year. He went for it now. This moment is where Brandon and Jerry talked about just taking action, which was a recurring theme from many of the people we spoke with throughout the year. BtR 051, Life Hack – New Year’s in September.
“Planning does not get things done. Taking action gets things done.” – Brandon Cunningham
(17:00) Jody Maberry from the podcasts called Creating Disney Magic and The Jody Maberry Show talked about the pivots we may face in our dreams. A new direction is not necessarily a failed dreamed. It could be the same dream in a new direction. BtR 029, Just Take Action and Other Insights from Jody Maberry.
(20:54) “Just show up!” was the biggest takeaway in our interview with Eric Giuliani from If you haven’t heard the interviews with Eric, go here! BtR 067
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