Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Jackie Bledsoe on the 7 Rings of Marriage BtR 047

July 27, 2016

What are the stages a thriving marriage experiences? How does a couple survive the empty nest phase in life? How do I strengthen my marriage?
What is the right way to start a marriage? What if I didn’t do that?
That is why we have author, speaker, blogger Jackie Bledsoe on the show to talk about how we can get out of and avoid ruts in marriage. Our relationships succeed or fail gradually then suddenly. Jackie shares how we can steer our relationships toward success.
Jerry convinces Jackie and Brandon to talk about their ideal mafia jobs.
Brandon and Jerry ask Jackie about his own story on marriage, what drew him and Stephana into marriage ministry, and struggles they faced in their marriage.
How did Jackie build his platform through Michael Hyatt’s Platform University to strengthen his web presence and writing skills.
Jackie Bledsoe Bio
Jackie Bledsoe and his wife Stephana educate couples on how to strengthen their marriages. They have one daughter and two sons.
Specifically, Jackie helps motivated but overwhelmed husbands and fathers learn how to lead and love their families so they can have lasting, fulfilling marriages and meaningful influence on their kids.
For the past couple years, Jackie has been a regular contributor to several well-known and award winning sites like Tony Dungy’s AllProDad , Disney’s Babble, Black and Married with Kids (BMWK), the NFL’s USA Football (USAF), and Coach Up. In addition, he was featured multiple times on HuffPost Live and Yahoo! Shine, and was one of the official speakers at an Indianapolis Colts sponsored event for All Pro Dad.
Resources and Links
Buy your own copy of The 7 Rings of Marriage from Amazon (Bible Study Book, Small Group Leader Kit)
The Magic Ratio for Happy Healthy Relationships, BtR 015
Emotional Intelligence and Building Emotional Capital, BtR 029