Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

If You Only Have Five Years to Live – BtR 045

July 12, 2016

If you only have five years to live, what would you do with that time? What is most important to you? Where would you go? What needs to be set up for your family’s future?
That’s the direction of today’s conversation between Brandon and Jerry. Dismissively call it a mid-life crisis if you like. The reality for many people is we are stuck on Someday Isle, “Someday I’ll do _____.” This is a rut in our lives.
We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We are only given today. This was a big point from our interview with Darius Foroux on BtR 042, How to Retrain Our Minds to Stop Betraying Us. Yesterday is gone, and the future doesn’t exist. Therefore, we only have today.
Because thinking that we only have today can be a scary concept, consider what if you have five years to live? What if that time were less?
Money Considerations in Family Finances
Many families live paycheck-to-paycheck giving little consideration of the future for their loved ones. The “five years to live” approach forced Jerry to consider retirement options, emergency fund needs, bucket list requirements, and what to teach his wife and children so they can go on without him.
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Remember Someday Isle? Where are you with your bucket list?
Take a look at your written bucket list. Okay, take a moment to write out your bucket list. Got it now? Take a look at your written bucket list. If you’re saying “Someday I’ll…” to many or all of these things on your list, then it is time to do something about it.
Prioritize that list as you listen to this episode, of course.
If you only had one year to live, what would you want to do on this list? What needs to happen to make that happen? Start working towards that today.
Two years? What’s the next big thing you’d want to do. Start planning now. Keep working towards the first goal though.
Three years? Four? You get the picture.

Resources and Links
How to Retrain Our Minds to Stop Betraying Us – BtR 042
Just Take Action and Other Insights from Jody Maberry – BtR 027