Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Vacation with Your Kids 1-on-1 BtR 038

May 24, 2016

Vacation With Your Kids Before It’s Too Late
Brandon goes out of his way to connect with his kids with quality one-on-one time. He has to when he has a blended family with five children. It’s easy for any one child to feel left out when we are doing everything we can to provide the best life for them.
Whether you have one children or more than five, Brandon and Jerry talk about why you should plan a vacation with each of your children to build memories that will last a lifetime.
Can’t Afford a Vacation with Each Child? Try This…
While Brandon shares his strategy to vacation with each child one-on-one, Jerry talks about the same practice on a smaller scale. You don’t have to leave town to build memorable experiences with your children.
What you do does not matter as much as you showing your child a number of things.

* That your child is so special to you that you are setting aside time just for your child.
* Nothing is going to interrupt the two of you while on your special time.

If you have young children, you definitely don’t want to miss this episode. Take it from two guys who have teenagers, and one of them has grown children. That time has flown by and we can’t get it back. In a sense, we understand why grandparents spoil their grandchildren. It’s a chance to remember old times.
If you have teens, heck, it’s really not too late. It will be though if you don’t take the tips from this episode to heart and apply it for yourselves.
Share With Us Your Experiences and Ideas
Comment below and share with us vacations you have taken with your children, or ways that you create that special one-on-one time with them. You can also call and leave a voicemail at 361-596-3788, or share your thoughts on Facebook.
Resources and Links
BtR 006 – Be Intentional: Never Leave Your Closest Relationships to Chance
BtR 015 – The Magic Ratio for Happy, Healthy Relationships
BtR 021 – From Ferris Bueller to Schedule What Matters Most