Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Former NFL Player Jason Brown Told Us No and That’s Okay – BtR 036

May 10, 2016

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Our Story with Former NFL Player Jason Brown
Most people we know hate being told no. We recently reached out to former NFL player Jason Brown. He’s the player who gave up a multi-million dollar contract to take up farming for a cause. You can read the 2014 Business Insider article here. Read it while you listen to this episode though.
The NFL farmer didn’t grant us an interview. He gracefully told us know, and it was the best rejection letter we ever received. See for yourself.
Hello Brandon! Thank you for reaching out to us! We appreciate your consideration for a podcast interview, however we are not accepting media requests at this time. We prefer to focus on our faith, family and farm. We wish you and your show all the best. Peace and blessings!
Of course, now we want to interview him more than ever! Listen to this episode as we break down all the things Jason Brown did right in his response to us, and why we love it so much. Seriously, we loved his response so much that it’s actually a lesson we are sharing with you!
Sometimes the Answer is No
You’ve probably heard motivational speakers and coaches tell you mantras like, “No is not an option!” and “If you want to succeed, you have to learn to get to the yes!”
FACT: No is sometimes the right option as well. We all need skills at handling being told no, and discerning what that no is telling us.
What do you do when the answer is no?
When can you tell that being told no is a good thing?
Remember that when you hear, no, you’re not necessarily stuck at a dead end. It may be a sign that you need to beef up skills in a certain area of your life. It may mean that you need redirection. No does not mean you’re at an endpoint on your path.
There Are No Perfect Conditions
When it comes to telling ourselves no, remember that there are no perfect conditions. We cannot know ALL the information that is available. There may not be information available from our current position.
It may not be feasible to wait until you have all the facts.
“Everything we know for certain is in the rut with us!”
Resources and Links (Podcast Roll Style)
We went name-drop crazy in this episode. Here are some of those shows that we mentioned. with Jared Easley with Pat Flynn
Entrepreneur On Fire with John Lee Dumas with Joel Boggess
TheJodyMaberryShow with, you guessed it, Jody Maberry #DoYouEvenNutellaBro