Beyond the Cubicle with Shante

Beyond the Cubicle with Shante

Latest Episodes

Feeling valued and appreciated in your 9-5 Episode 3
February 11, 2019

This episode was short.. not edited.. because it was a word on my heart. As we work our 9-5, we as employees are seeking feedback and positive words from our boss. Simple words like “Great Job”.. says so much. I felt the need to record this to motivate ot

Importance of Having a Growth Mindet
January 31, 2019

Today’s episode I shared a quote I heard and seen on Pinterest “ Today I will do what others won’t, do tomorrow I can do what others can’t” This episode was about why you should work on your mindset daily. I shared stories how I gave up on things, and is

Personal Development and You..
January 26, 2019

Are you working a 9-5, but get stuck working on yourself? Do you feel there is more than working in a Cubicle? This episode, I share tips on what I do to work on myself daily... and how taking action is important. The quote I ended with was, “The distance