Beyond The Badge

Beyond The Badge

Beyond The Badge: Fitting The Mainstream Media’s Agenda

April 17, 2019

This week on Beyond The Badge, Law & Crime Network anchor and law enforcement analyst Vincent Hill discuss the shooting death of Danquirs Napoleon Franklin, who was shot in Charlotte after refusing to drop the gun.  He tells you why the shooting was 100% justified although NAACP is protesting.
Next up, Vincent hits on the New Orleans officer who is under investigation for using a standard take down to arrest a female who was involved in a fight.
Then, a New Hope, PA officer will not face charges after shooting a man in holding cell believing the was using his taser.
Vincent also covers the disparity in reporting of these cases if they don’t fit the mainstream media’s agenda.  CNN DID NOT REPORT on the Franklin shootings because body cam clearly shows he was armed and it would not fit their narrative.  CNN also referred to the New Hope, PA shooting as “Police shoot unarmed man in holding cell.”  Their history shows if the individual was black, the headline would have said; “Police Shoot Unarmed Black Man.”
This episode of Beyond The Badge is brought to you by GhostBed, which is made in America by Nature’s Sleep. They focus on high-quality, low-cost sleep products with expert craftsmanship and superior materials designed for comfort and durability as well as being crafted to meet each and every one of their customers’ needs. Vincent loves his! GhostBed has some amazing deals that you can find exclusively at
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