Beyond The Badge

Beyond The Badge

Beyond The Badge: Nouman Raja, Jussie Smollett, Stephon Clark, & Antwon Rose

March 13, 2019

BTB #1

A lot going on this week on Beyond The Badge as law enforcement analyst Vincent Hill updates you on why Nouman Raja found guilty last week, Jussie Smolett’s 16 counts and why he needs to apologize, and an update on why the two officers involved in the Stephon Clark killing in Sacramento were not charged.

Then, Vincent gets into the shooting death of Antwon Rose and the officer charged for the murder. His trial begins next week.  Vincent gives his thoughts on that case and talks about each police shooting is different and therefore the outcome of trial or charges are different.

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Follow Vincent on Twitter @VincentHillTV for more information on the show and to find out his next television appearance.

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