

Latest Episodes

How to Get Started
April 05, 2023

In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro answer a question from listener Josephine, who's trying to understand and overcome her resistance to doing things that are good for her. The culture tells us that if something is good for us, we should just do

Drift Patterns
March 22, 2023

In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro talk about drift patterns, the cultural currents we can get stuck in that could be carrying us far away from our true nature. One function of cultural patterns is to "save" us from having to make choices. If y

The Upside of Necessary Evils
March 08, 2023

Its another BeWild Files episode of Bewildered, and Martha and Ro are answering a question from listener Gazit, who's trying to co-parent with a difficult ex, and the experience does not feel joyful or authentic. Martha says when trying to navigate any

Getting Through the Tough Stuff
February 22, 2023

There will always be hard things we have to do in life. That's just a given. So how do we go about doing them without suffering? Martha and Rowan say the key is freedom, and in this episode of Bewildered they explore ways you can do difficult things whi

Wild Energy
February 08, 2023

In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Rowan are talking all about emotional energythe moods, feelings, or intentions that come across without any words or physical action. This kind of energy can be a powerful teacher and director of the decisions w

Vulnerability Hangovers
January 25, 2023

Have you ever bravely shared your authentic self, only to agonize over it later thinking you shared too much? We've all been there. It's what Bren Brown calls a vulnerability hangover, and Martha and Ro are taking a deep dive into the subject in this

The Problem With Productivity
January 11, 2023

Our culture teaches us that we should jam as many things as possible into our days, and many of us learn to equate success with how many things we've checked off our to-do lists or how much stuff we've acquired. In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and

The Secret to Perseverance
December 13, 2022

Do you enjoy setting goals but have a harder time reaching them? In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro talk about how to travel from where we are in life to where we want to beand how our cultural conditioning often trips us up. Instead of the r

The Procrastination Episode
November 30, 2022

Procrastination. Weve all been there. - In this episode of Bewildered, Martha and Ro explore why we procrastinate (hint: cultural conditioning strikes again) and how we can find our way out of it by listening toand negotiating withthe wild parts o...

Always Growing Up
November 16, 2022

Many of us buy into the cultural idea that there is only one way to parent, and if we do it correctly, things will turn out okay, and everyone will approve of us. But when grown children leave home, p