Podcast Archives - Be Well Buzz

Podcast Archives - Be Well Buzz

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ShenTrition for Longevity and Stress Relief
November 29, 2012

You probably think you're doing everything you can to stay healthy: you get lots of sleep, keep a healthy diet, exercise regularly, but one of the important things to do is Relax! Stress has a bigger impact on your health than you might realize. Most

Gluten Demystified
November 08, 2012

Something you're eating could be killing you and you may not even know it! There are some things in our diet that are clearly bad for you. But there are silent dangers around things that we are told are just fine. I'm talking about bread and gluten. War

Alpha Reset Your Body
October 31, 2012

Ask yourself a powerful question: Am I happy with the way I look and feel? If that question didn't immediately give you a burst of energy to answer YES then you'll want to pay close attention to the podcast today. It's all about getting to the root of l

Use These Techniques To Improve Brain Health
October 24, 2012

Latest scientific research has shown that lifestyle and certain exercises can improve the health of your brain, no matter what age you are! This is due to neuroplasticity which allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to change their connection to c

Parenting With Music
October 18, 2012

Many studies confirm that we are hard wired to respond to music. Humans are uniquely gifted with something called beat induction, the ability to follow a beat. Did you know that using music during a baby's development may be one of the most important too

Soy Dangers Exposed
October 11, 2012

Is it possible that what you've heard about soy is all wrong? Can the hype around the health benefits be marketing smoke and mirrors? The video below explores these questions and exposes in no uncertain terms the dangers of soy. Please watch this and sha

5 BIGGEST Fat Loss Pitfalls
October 04, 2012

Have you been struggling with weight loss? Think you have tried everything but nothing is working? Or maybe even managed to lose the weight before but already gained it back? It is not surprising. There's is so much misinformation around weight and fat l

10 Critical Supplement Facts
September 25, 2012

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet should provide you with all the nutrients that your body needs, but unfortunately our soil and many foods are deficient in vitamins and minerals. That's why more and more people turn to supplements. Millions of Americ

3 Free Things That Add Years to Your Life
September 12, 2012

Life is an amazing gift that we all share. What we do in our day-to-day routine is either adding years and or making our stay here shorter. Exercise and nutrition is very important for a healthy long life, but there a few little subtle things that you ca

How To Cleanse Your Skin Naturally
August 27, 2012

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of the body? It is a living and breathing system that is often taken for granted. Interesting facts:  An adult's skin comprises between 10 to 15 percent of the total body weight. Each square centimeter has