The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Lessons from 18 Years in Business

September 12, 2021

Welcome to episode 150 (159 really): 
This is a landmark episode. and it falls on the week of a landmark anniversary for me in business. 18 years of working for myself. How on earth did that happen?  As you will hear in this episode, one lesson at a time! 
But first…. Soul-Full Business owners, I want to thank you.  If you are new to the Better Life Better Work Show thank you and welcome. I know this isn’t a traditional podcast – and most of I all thank you for getting my unconventional ways.  My listeners and clients are experts in Borrowed Insight… I know you can hear a story and pull the pieces relevant to your own heart.  And if you’ve been here since the shaky, shitty beginnings 5 and a half years ago- extra thank you for sticking with me through the evolution.
Evolution – that’s is what it is all about, right?  Owning your own business is one of the greatest gold mines for personal growth. Today’s episode is a list of the overarching lessons of each year in business.  I invite you to do two things with this episode.  One – as I share my lessons, listen for your own.  Perhaps ours are similar or they overlap.  Notice the themes and how they align with the phases of business.  Launch, Growth and Achievement.

2nd…after the episode – take some time and map out YOUR years in business.  Make a list of YOUR big lessons. Notice your own accomplishments and how far you have come! Most of my achievement-level clients – the sisters in Spark, UNhustle, and Flow – have super successful businesses, and often they forget to remember how skilled and accomplished they really are.  You deserve to give your self credit, take stock, and fill your own bucket for the journey ahead. 
Finally, Know that in 2003 – I never anticipated being in business for myself.  I never expected to be even working a job (I always thought I would be a wife and mom and raise 5 kids) and here I am 2 marriages, zero pregnancies, and 5 incarnations of business later,
In September 2003,  when my husband of 2 years left… what was a WHIM – getting my real estate license- became the hard left turn to the work of my heart.  
Interesting to see…the early years were survival mode and fast skill-building. The middle years…growth and sustainability -figuring out how to BE ME… and the most recent years….depth, slowing down, self-trust & solidify.
Here are my OVERARCHING lessons of each year (certainty not the ONLY lessons):
2003 – Show Up For EVERYTHING – Negotiate for yourself from the start.
2004 – No Option B – Failure is not an option
2005 – Learn and master sales skills and time on task- do the boring shit. Relationship sales are way more pleasurable than cold calling.  Think smoking weed and drinking beer on the lake and -great lead sources when you are single and in your early 30s!
2006 – You must believe in yourself – no one else can do it for you. Unconventional, no matter how successful, is frowned upon by many, -trust yourself anyway – reinvent the model.
2007 – Make it up and learn what you need to know. Relentlessly pursue the learning – teaching sales and marketing solidified my skills. 
2008 – What is working for the ones who succeed AND are happy: Inner work is where the successful people spend their energy and then they go do the task without question
2009 – Have a coach in your sphere have a coach out of your sphere – beware cult mentality.
2010 – Desconstruct automatic authority and find your own personal power, authority, and loyalty