OrganicMD Podcast

OrganicMD Podcast

Do You Need Bilberry?

May 15, 2018

The ideas many people have about the need for bilberry for eye health are, to put it mildly, pretty confused. Bilberries are simply a wild variety of blueberries. The frozen wild blueberries or organic blueberries in our local Trader Joe's food store have a nutritional profile very similar to bilberries. A healthy food, but nothing about the nutritional value of bilberries or blueberries is unique. Some of the confusion comes from claims the English made during World War II that they had developed a "secret weapon" to allow their pilots to see at night, and to bomb the German army in the dead of night. After the war, it was revealed that the "secret weapon" was bilberry jam, and that the whole story was an elaborate propaganda scheme to put fear into German soldiers and citizens. 90% of the people who do the full Better Eye Health Program™ see significant and lasting improvement in their vision, and they are not taking bilberry, so we know it is not essential for eye health or eye healing.