OrganicMD Podcast

OrganicMD Podcast

Using the Better Eye Health Protocol: Taurine – BEH Podcast

May 05, 2018

Taurine is an amino acid the body uses to build proteins and enzymes. The highest concentrations of taurine in human beings are found in the eye and the heart. Animal proteins are the best foods to eat to find taurine. Taurine is classified as a "conditionally essential" amino acid, meaning the human body can make some from other amino acids. But if you need to heal and regenerate cells in your eye (or heart) you need to take in extra taurine in your food and supplements. If you are vegetarian, please take extra taurine. Hemp seed has good amounts of taurine. We discuss our recommendations for taurine supplements derived from plant sources.In this episode the topic is the product Taurine by Thorne Research. Taurine is an essential amino acid that we don’t always receive through our food or other nutrition intake. We need it but our body does not produce it naturally. Having a good strong source of it helps, once again, to make sure your body has all it needs to the job of healing and repair. It needs all the building materials otherwise it will make a very poor house. Dr. Miller explores in detail this important supplement and how to absorb it most effectively in your routine.