Be There in Five
Mary Had a Little Scam
This week, Kate discusses our obsession with scams and scam documentaries, and does a spin-off of the popular Tiktok prompt of "what's something that is a scam but we've normalized it so much we no longer realize it's a scam?" from her personal list of grievances, e.g. The American Dream, bridesmaid dresses, student loans, only married couples receiving benefits, among other things, and also goes through crowd-sourced submissions of things people think have big scam energy. She also details her disdain for True Crime as entertainment and explores why she prefers this category. However, she begins by discussing the Supreme Court overturning the landmark case of Roe v. Wade announced Friday, while she was away from equipment and had already recorded this week's episode (so forgive her, this section was done very last minute), but she uses the first half-hour to address perhaps the biggest scam of all: that people believe restricting access to abortion care is pro-life when it is unequivocally anti-women and stands to put countless lives at risk by forgoing human rights and medical best practice in favor the intervention of dangerous political and religious ideologies.
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