Latest Episodes

May 22, 2019

This episode features an interview with a cultural warrior who has made it his business to educate blacks about the history of the two political parties and how what we believe affects the choices we make. Charles Love is a Chicagoan who has written tw...

May 15, 2019

Cities across America are grappling with how to provide affordable housing for working families struggling to find homes and apartments costing less than 30% of their income. Whether it is San Francisco, New York City, or Nashville, TN,

May 08, 2019

What explains the Democrats tolerance of anti-Semitism among some of its leaders. Given the Democrat’s widespread Jewish support, why have their national leaders not worked harder to protect Jewish people in America and abroad?

May 01, 2019

What will it take for President Trump to win a second term? Right now, the 2020 presidential field is crowded with Democratic hopefuls, while potential Republican challengers sit, watch and wait. Only a couple of Republican unknowns,

April 24, 2019

We know a lot about the enslavement and emancipation of the black descendants of African slaves. Much less is known, however, about human trafficking in America. Human trafficking is about the continued enslavement of men, women,

April 10, 2019

As the Democratic Party veers further and further LEFT, it is losing lifelong members like Brandon Straka. Less than a year ago, Straka posted a video about his frustrations with the Democratic Party that ignited a mass movement of people who are aband...

April 05, 2019

John Shanks spent decades as a Law Enforcement Officer in the military and as a Texas Police Officer. His work led him to believe that training is the key to success but not simply training Law Enforcement Officers but also young people.

April 03, 2019

Across the country, law enforcement officers are under attack. Politics plays a major role in the disrespect for the work police officers do. As a consequence, we see thousands of them walking away from their jobs. Yet,

March 27, 2019

Is socialism the solution to inequity and injustice in America, or is it an empty set of promises leading to greater pain and suffering? Young people inspired by leaders like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) believ...

March 20, 2019

Socialism in America is on the march. The long shot candidacy of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has opened the floodgates to successful socialist candidates such as clueless millennial Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez,