February 06, 2019

America has blood on its hands. Like North Korea and China, America is coming dangerously close to becoming a society that tolerates third trimester abortions and infanticide of infants who survive the abortion process. Governor Andrew Cuomo sparked a national debate when New York State passed the most liberal abortion law in the nation allowing the termination of full-term babies under certain circumstance. When it looked as if things could not get worse, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia, a former pediatrics doctor, made the heinous comment that a baby born alive “would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” Wow!
Joining me today to discuss abortions is Dr. Kelly Victory.  Dr. Victory is the President and founder of Victory Health. She is a physician, cowgirl, and a consultant dedicated to improving America’s healthcare system.
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