Bestek - de Aanbestedingspodcast

Bestek - de Aanbestedingspodcast

#11 The Role of Courts & Mandatory Sustainability Requirements – Rewards & Recognition in Academia

May 06, 2021

In this episode, Marta & Willem discuss the role of courts in relation to mandatory sustainability requirements in public procurement. What will change in the assessment of courts when faced with claims of bidders that argue that a tender is not sustainable enough? For dessert, they discuss rewards & recognition in academia.

00:00 – 04:49 Entrée
00:00 – 04:49 Introduction
04:50 – 37:43 Main course
04:50 – 13:08 Change from optional to mandatory sustainable requirements in public procurement law
13:09 – 23:13 What will change for the position of Courts?
23:14 – 37:43 Dutch experience (Article 1.4, Aanbestedingswet)
37:44 – 46:45 Dessert
37:44 – 46:45 Recognition and rewards in academia (Utrecht’s TRIPLE model)