Bestek - de Aanbestedingspodcast

Latest Episodes
#45 Duurzaam aanbestedingsrecht: Herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten
In deze aflevering kunt u de oratie 'Duurzaam Aanbestedingsrecht: herijken van de interne markt voor overheidsopdrachten' van Willem naluisteren die hij op 13 december 2024 mocht uitspreken aan de Rij
#39 Circularity and Procurement & Procurement Awards
In this episode, Associate Professor Marta Andhov and Professor Willem Janssen discuss circularity, and how it relates to public procurement. The hosts begin by introducing the concept of circularity,
#38 When Contracts Collide Public Procurement and Contract Law Context & Pop Culture
In this episode, Associate Professor Marta Andhov and Professor Willem Janssen discuss the intersection of public procurement and contract law. The topic of the research project PurpLE (Purchase Power
#37 Societal Challenges and Interdisciplinary Work in Public Procurement & Teaching the Interdisciplinary Aspects to Students
In this episode, Marta and Willem discuss interdisciplinary work in public procurement and law in general. They reflect on their many personal experiences of working across disciplines and examine the
#36 New Exclusion Grounds in EU Public Procurement and Reading Recommendations
In this episode,MartaandWillem explore the latest developments in EU Public Procurement, focusing on the new exclusion grounds introduced by sectoral legislation following the European Green Deal.
#35 Resurgence of buy local policies & making public procurement law interesting
In this episode, Marta and Willem explore the resurgence and presence of buy local policies in the public procurement context. They discuss it broadly on a global scale, and then zoom in on specific buy local implementation issues when it comes to the pro
#43 Groener aanbesteden: due diligence, rapporteren & ontbossing
In deze aflevering spreekt Willem met Mariska Verseveld (PIANOo) over groen aanbesteden, en zetten zij de discussie voort over de Europese wetgeving die er al is of aankomt met groene verplichtingen v
#42: De energietransitie & het aanbestedingsrecht: kans, mogelijkheid of verplichting?
In deze aflevering spreekt Willem met Tjinta Terlien (PLOUM) over de energietransitie en het aanbestedingsrecht. Aanbesteden en de energietransitie: so what? Hoe ziet het juridische kader eruit en kne
#34 Visual contracting in public procurement & Best/worst presentations
In this episode, Willem and Marta discuss visual contracting in the context of public procurement. Can it improve the contracting process? If so, how? They explore the potential of visual contracts an