Podcast – Best Drum and Bass

Podcast – Best Drum and Bass

Podcast #093 – Bad Syntax + The Clamps (Mix + Interview)

August 19, 2016

A very special guest mix and interview from one of my personal favorite current Drum and Bass producers, The Clamps, this week makes this one of the biggest we have had yet. The resident mix by Bad Syntax as always comes even heavier than usual and makes for one hell of an epic podcast. Download, share, and leave a comment in the comment section below if you love this music!
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The Clamps – Exclusive Interview
 First off, I need to know and I am sure others do too… Did your name come from Futurama? Tell us a bit about where your name came from!
No, it’s a private joke that just close friends know about. But I do love to say that I have 2 mechanical clamps instead of hands.
Now that we have that out of the way, please introduce yourself and tell us a bit of the history behind The Clamps.
My name is Julien and I live in Toulouse, France. I have been producing as The Clamps for 5 years, and I have had several other musical projects. It’s not a “one kind of music” project, but it is mainly Drum and Bass & Industrial Hardcore. I love the energy emerging from these 2 styles. But I clearly love most kind of music, so The Clamps can be describe like a musical project with good energy inside.