Best BBQ Show

Best BBQ Show

#123 A Rancher and a Restaurateur

October 07, 2019

Jeremiah Bacon cooks delicious steaks, burgers and other great beef at his many restaurants. Kevin Yon raises thousands of heads of cattle, many of which may end up on plates at Jeremiah's restaurants.

When I heard that they had switched places to try each other's jobs I knew this would be a great conversation. The funny thing was that they both said the others job was harder. Y'all know I love talking to hard working people. These two were a real treat. They are focused on a high standard and clearly care a lot about their industry.

I'm reporting from the Certified Angus Beef conference for the next few weeks, so get ready for some serious beef talk. If you want to learn more about CAB you can go back to the midweek update from last week and I'll fill you in on the brand.

Follow Jeremiah! @jermeiahmartinbacon. At the posting of this episode I haven't found any social handles for Kevin Yon.

Thanks for listening!