Best Comics Ever

Best Comics Ever

Creannotators #30: “Black Cat” Interview With Writer Jed MacKay!

January 12, 2021

This week on Creannotators, I talked with comics writer Jed MacKay about Black Cat, one of the best Marvel comics since launch in 2019! We talk about Felicia Hardy, heists across the Marvel Universe, and what it’s like launching a new #1 comic into the King in Black event.

On Comic Book Herald’s ‘Creannotators’ I’ll be interviewing some of my favorite creators in comics about specific runs, graphic novels or series, looking for their insights on the inspirations behind the work and ideas or hidden material readers may have missed. Creannotators is an audio annotative guide to enjoying the intricacies and thinking in the art. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the comics!

Black Cat is:

Writer: Jed MacKay

Art: Travel Foreman

The post Creannotators #30: “Black Cat” Interview With Writer Jed MacKay! appeared first on Comic Book Herald.