The Benzo Free Podcast

The Benzo Free Podcast

Pioneering Benzo Awareness: An Interview with Geraldine Burns (Part 1 of 2)

July 09, 2019

Geraldine Burns has been a pioneer in the benzo community for over 20 years. She is the founder of the first support group of its kind on the Internet, is host of a benzo podcast, and was a key player in the publication of the Ashton Manual.

In Part I of this interview, Geraldine shares her personal experiences with benzos and her lessons learned about diet and healing; she looks back at her introduction to benzo activism and the beginnings of the Ashton Manual; and she discusses her adventures with launching two websites and a podcast on benzos.

Video ID: BFP026


00:00  Episode Introduction

03:50  W-BAD Live Stream

07:18  Format and Gratitude

10:07  Interview Introduction

11:50  Welcome Geraldine

12:12  Geraldine’s Benzo Story

15:03  Menstrual Difficulties

15:49  Realization of Dependence

16:54  Tapering

18:03  Finding Info & Support

19:47  Raising Awareness

20:59  Birth of the Ashton Manual

22:23  Starting a Support Group

23:05  The Downside of Online Support

24:15  Sharing Your Story

25:18  Diet in Withdrawal

27:31  Starting a Podcast

29:27  Functional Medicine

32:03  Launching the Podcast

35:05  Isolation: Finding Support

35:53  Benzos and Litigation

37:24  Wrapping Up Part I

38:27  Moment of Peace


Episode Summary

Geraldine Burns has been a pioneer in helping to get the word out about the potential dangers of benzodiazepines.  In 1999 she started the first Internet support group for people wishing to withdraw from tranquilizers or already off and having problems.  This was the first group of its kind and before it closed had close to 4,000 members internationally.  The group was started to offer 24 hour/7 days a week support to people who have been made ill by prescription medications, to learn about symptoms of withdrawal, learn about tapering methods, and natural methods of healing.  She is dedicated to the responsible and informed use of addictive prescription drugs.



The following resource links are provided as a courtesy to our listeners. They do not constitute an endorsement by Easing Anxiety of the resource or any recommendations or advice provided therein.


The Podcast

The Benzo Free Podcast provides information, support, and community to those who struggle with the long-term effects of anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium) and Z-drugs (Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata).





All content provided by Easing Anxiety is for general informational purposes only and should never be considered medical advice. Any health-related information provided is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems, or to prescribe any medical devices or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at


Music provided / licensed by Storyblocks Audio

Benzo Free Theme

— Title: “Walk in the Park”

— Artist: Neil Cross


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