BELS Brief Chats podcast

BELS Brief Chats podcast

BELS Brief Chats #12 – Dr Fiona Marshall.

June 02, 2022

Fiona Marshall discovered a love for science at school. She eschewed medicine for biochemistry at the University of Bath and then chose neuroscience for her PhD at Cambridge, while also accumulating industry experience.  She lived through the transformation of Glaxo to GSK, shifted to biotech at Millennium where she worked with the likes of Allan Marchington (BELS Advisory Council member). After a mid-career break, she re-entered industry with Heptares and today is stationed in the US leading research at MSD/Merck & Co. A return to the UK will come in due course. 

Meanwhile, Fiona carries positive feelings about the state of UK life sciences. “The UK is one of the front runners when it comes to science and research. We saw that during pandemic; we really were leading in terms of sequencing, understanding the virus and how it evolved.” About the role BELS can play in the UK life sciences ecosystem: “It’s two ways: informing people outside the UK about the great environment in the UK… but also encouraging UK companies to think globally. Success is about making connections, and I think that’s something the BELS community can really help with.”