Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 299: Is Your Pet Sitting Software Working For Or Against You?

July 13, 2022

Jodi came to me wondering how she could get more clients. We took a look into her systems and found out that the way in which she is having people sign up was stopping the sale from happening. She was having to send UN and PW to a new user and while they were waiting for that to happen, they were finding other solutions. Her software was working against her. When you compare Jodi's sign up to Rover, the potential new client was able to sign up quickly and check off PET CARE for their trip to Cancun and be done with it. With Jodi, they were left wondering if she received their info and what the next step was. Her software was working against her. So much, that every year in the Mastermind, we actually go through five members' websites and sign up. We time how long it takes to sign up and if there are any spot points. There are some very popular software out there that actually STOP the sales process. Today, we are diving deep into ways that your software might be working against you. My goal is to make sure that your software is an asset to your sales process and not a liability. BTW - As I wrote these notes.... I wonder if anyone actually READS them. Will you send me an email to bella at and let me know? Ok, onto the epsiode! :)