Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 297: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Job Share in 2022

June 29, 2022

Let's talk about job share... Job sharing can actually be a GREAT thing... and you already are probably taking on BIGGER liability in your pet sitting and dog walking business. This episode will give insight into a different way of thinking. Now is the time to be creative, think about how we are going to get our sales up. The big R (recession) is coming (or is it here?) and we have to think differently to achieve more. Some of you might say, "Insurance companies will not cover you if you job share." Well, that's FALSE. I reached out to my friends over at Business Insurers of the Carolinas and this is what he said: "I received your phone message. You are absolutely correct that you are still covered by insurance if job sharing. However I typically recommend if you are going to be sharing jobs with a nanny, a neighbor, a teenage son/daughter, or even another dog walker or pet sitter, that you get a release/addendum signed by the owner releasing you of any liability while others are also in and out of the home." The pet business industry has seen many claims involving theft of clients' property, as well as property damage, and injuries to pets. And typically we see them blamed on the insured pet sitter or dog walker. Especially when the person they share the job with does not have any insurance. As a result, we have seen claims denied as there was no concrete proof of who caused the incident. Both situations are not typically ideal, as it increases both liability and the potential for a denied claim if no proof can be established. So, it is certainly fine to job share if the client wishes to increase their liability exposure and do so. I do recommend amending contract language to have the client hold our insured harmless for liability or theft while others are in and out of the home." Do you want to hear how I think you can leverage this to get even more daily dog walking clients?