Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 292: Staff Members Leave The Manager, Not The Job

May 25, 2022

Do you feel like you have a high turnover? Have you ever thought about why you have turnover? Do you know? Is it because of seasonal employees? young staff members moving on? or even life situations? Maybe so! But what if I were to blow your mind and have you consider something you might not have considered, but really can make a huge difference in whether employees stay or go?
It could be your management style, you as an owner, or your manager!
Bad management can turn even some of the best, most reliable staff members on your team away. And if nothing is done about the management, it will continue to happen. Because when the wrong person is named a manager, nothing can entice good employees to stay.
Statistics show, that more than half of employees with bad management are thinking about changing careers, and that half of them will quit because of this bad manager.
As the owner, you want the ability to step away from your business so you can focus on all the aspects that help you and your business grow. When you are bogged down with the everyday task of your employees, growth is put on the back burner.
This week I am giving you four things to consider in order to be a better business manager.