Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 285: 3 Types Of Pet Businesses That Need To Have Their Social Media Popping!

April 07, 2022

If you have been following along our theme of social media, you know just how important of a role it plays in your business. I think it is safe to say that at one point or another you have cyberstalker companies to learn more about them. Well, consumers are doing the same to your business too.
If you haven't learned by now, social media is breaking or making goals you set for your business.
But utilizing social media is more than just posting right? Yet time and time again I see businesses with the utmost potential falling short when it comes to utilizing it. This week I address three types of goals that you might be working on that will be more easily achieved if you also leverage your social media.
Business owners who are leveraging how much social media can boost their business understand it involves much more than just posting and hoping for likes. If you have goals for hiring, increasing, and scaling your business than your social media needs to be excellent. I am not just talking about the great pictures you post. But conveying your worth to those who stop by.
Looking for employees?
Yes, potential employees will look at your social media and see if YOU are the right fit for them. Why would they want to work there, how would they fit in?
Wanting to raise your rates?
YUP! Your brand that your portray on your social media needs to reflect the worth of the prices you are raising! Your strategy online says a lot about your value.
Learn how to scale back business?
Well, there are two problems to be solved here, and guys I am here to help teach you this system.