Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 276: How I Am Dealing With A 7+ Year Troll… And What You Can Learn From It

February 03, 2022

Personal Podcast Today

Lately, I have been getting questions about how to deal with Trolls. You know, those people that get upset at you and start trying to rip apart your character or credibility online? Maybe it is a person that you didn't hire, had to fire, or a client that just went sideways and you parted ways. But it turned them into angry monsters with many heads.
Sure, you have heard of the typical ways to handle bad reviews. I've even written about it on my blog.
But what happens when they are persistent? What happens when they don't go away or they try to disparage you on all platforms? This recently happened to one of my clients and she was perplexed on how to deal with it. We spoke in depth about it and it was then I decided to blow the lid off something that has been popping up on my own feed for at least seven years.
I deal with this too... you just may not (or may?) know about it.
I've had someone take something that I said on stage seven years ago and blow it out of context in multiple public forms for years. I've had another person who has a vendetta out for me that takes any chance she gets to say terrible things. (Funny, she has never been a client, but I have coached two of her direct competition to multi six figures and another to almost a there is that.)
I've even had another (what could have been) sticky situation that resulted in some crappy things being said online.
In this podcast today, I tell you it all. No hold bars. I get real, honest, and vulnerable with you. It is my hope that sharing my story allows you to see that it happens to everyone and that despite their efforts, your business can still grow to multi six or even seven figures =)