Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode #258: Why Is It So Hard To Say NO In Your Pet Sitting Business

September 16, 2021

I asked my Mastermind members, what should I talk about next on the podcast? And an entire conversation was sparked about saying NO. Why is it so hard to say no? To themselves, clients, staff? It is an interesting topic that I have a lot to say about.

There is something interesting that happens when you say no to people. They actually trust you more. They are never left wondering if you really mean something because they know that your yes is a yes and your no is a no. But if you are like many pet sitting and dog walking business owners I encounter, a lot of the times their yes actually means no but they are too afraid to say it.

Also... when you say no, you are setting boundaries in your life and actually building your own self respect. Your own person starts to gain confidence because they feel empowered.