Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 161

January 25, 2023

Today’s declaration is as simple as this: Jesus is coming back.

Jordan Feliz has a song called Jesus is coming back that encourages us to keep our heads up. I can’t help but grin and groove a little whenever I hear it. Jesus is coming back to earth in the same way he ascended into heaven. I read exactly what two men dressed in white told the disciples, who knew Jesus had miraculously risen from the dead, but they weren’t sure what would happen next. They wondered if Jesus was going to restore the kingdom to Israel. But His kingdom isn’t of this world. His power and authority are above and beyond anything the rulers of this world can grasp.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. That power, which is alive and at work in you as a Spirit-filled believer, will help you overcome all the evil in this world until Jesus returns. So be encouraged.

Here’s the Jordan Feliz song I told you about.


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This week’s scripture: Acts 1:4-11