Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 159

January 11, 2023

Last week, I encouraged you to make a New Year’s Resolution to study Scripture with greater intensity this year. The study of God’s Word helps us know Him better, and knowing Him better helps make the wise wiser. I got a kick out of our declaration, and I invite you to listen to that episode if you missed it. Today, I want to focus on another benefit of knowing God and His Word. It’s something we all need. It’s something I’ve been on the verge of losing more than once. It’s something that God has promised to fill us with to the point of overflowing.

I’m talking about hope.

I’m convinced that making a New Year’s resolution to study the Bible with greater intensity will lead to an overflow of hope throughout the coming year and beyond.

Romans 15:4 is a favorite verse of mine because it reminds me that I’m not alone in my struggle and the Bible is filled with examples of perseverance. Romans 15:13 is a verse I regularly quote to myself whenever I’m losing hope. I recommend memorizing both of these verses. Believing what they says means that regardless of your circumstances, you can speak today’s declaration with confidence.

My daughter recently stopped at a coffee house for some hot chocolate for my little granddaughter and a cup of coffee for herself. My granddaughter took a sip of her mom’s coffee and said, “Mom! I just drank coffee and it got in my heart. Now Jesus can have a tea party with coffee!”

That precious 4-year-old knows that Jesus is closer than her heartbeat, and the two of them can have a tea party anytime. Anyone who has invited Jesus to rule over their hearts as Lord and Savior has received the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5 tells us the Spirit empowers us to bear the fruit of joy and peace, among other sweet qualities. Romans 15:13 tells us that hope is the natural overflow of being filled with joy and peace. In other words, if you have received Jesus by admitting that you are a sinner, if you believe that Jesus paid the price for your sin through His perfect sacrifice on the cross, if you confess that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, then you can be filled with the joy of the Lord and the peace that surpasses all understanding. By grace you have been given the hope of eternal life.

I hope my podcast encourages you. I also share encouragement through my blog, which you’ll find at Mid-Week Miracle Archives – Bible Teacher | Author | Shawna Marie Bryant 

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This week’s scripture: Romans 15:4, 13