Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 143

September 21, 2022

I heard a great sermon last Sunday by Nathan Finochio about how being in relationship with God is about loving him the way he likes to be loved. Since Jesus said that to love him is to obey him, obedience to God obviously matters. That’s why I’m thankful to know the truth found in this week’s declaration.

Your Heavenly Father longs to be in relationship with you. He doesn’t ask you to jump through hoops to be on his good side. He brought you the message of salvation, and his word is very close at hand.

Jesus came down from heaven to show us the Father and to reconcile us with the Father. Jesus left his throne in heaven to bring us the good news that God’s command is not too difficult or out of reach.

Being in a healthy, intimate relationship is hard work. It’s hard for husbands and wives and it’s hard for those of us who want to walk in intimacy with God. I’m not suggesting that obedience is easy, but we can be sure—because of the passage I just read from Deuteronomy—that following God’s command is not too difficult or out of reach.

Last Sunday, I heard Nathan Finochio share stories about how he has to be intentional about loving his wife the way she wants to be loved. He then challenged us to be intentional about loving God the way he wants to be loved. God’s Word tells us that to obey is better than sacrifice. God desires our undivided hearts in worship. He has promised to draw near to us when we draw near to him. His message is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it. My friend, stop striving to please God. Stop trying to jump through hoops to earn his favor. Instead, open up his Word and spend time with him. Ask him to show you how to love him. I guarantee he will.

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This week’s scripture: Deuteronomy 30:11-14