Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 77

June 16, 2021

I’m following the journey of a teenager who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Her mother posts regular updates and prayer requests to Facebook along with pictures that absolutely capture my heart.
I pray and pray for this precious family, asking for healing, hoping for good news, believing God is all-sufficient. Some prayers are answered. Others seem ignored. But even so, the mom posted these words after a not particularly good day: Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.
Oh, if only I could remember to focus on the future glory of the butterfly rather than the suffocating darkness of the cocoon.
Life can hurt, and it can hurt a lot. The Bible teaches us that we shouldn’t be surprised by the painful trials we suffer. Jesus told us to expect trouble in this world but to take heart in the midst of it, knowing that he has already overcome every evil thing the world could throw at him.
Romans 8:15 says we can call God “Abba Father” That’s an endearing term for a loving Daddy. And that Daddy has promised that one day you will share in a glorious inheritance.  As we eagerly await that future day when God will reveal who his children really are, let’s not forget that today’s suffering can’t compare to the glory yet to come.
Longing to Belong: Discovering the Joy of Acceptance is available for purchase on,,, and It’s also available for download to your Kindle or from the Apple store for your iBooks app. Or visit my website to purchase a copy at
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This week's scripture: Romans 8:14-19