Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 26

June 24, 2020

This week’s episode has been brewing in my heart and mind for more than two weeks. I actually knew what the Scripture and declaration would be well in advance of this date. I was simply waiting for the right time.
I’ve been dealing as best as I could with the onslaught of emotions I’ve felt since the murder of George Floyd and the civil unrest that has torn apart so many of our nation’s communities. I have been moved with tears of joy at the response of my hometown here in Central California—where leaders of the Black community and heads of law enforcement stood together and pledged unity and demonstrated sincere support of the entirely—not mostly, but entirely—peaceful protests at our city hall. These men and women modeled Christ in their response. They showed our city the power of love to overcome evil with good.
This week's scripture:
James 1:19–25