Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 235

June 26, 2024

Seen enough losses lately? Ready for some wins? I know what it’s like to look for the light at the end of the tunnel when the tunnel is far too deep and long to see anything but darkness. So how do you keep pressing forward? How do you stay in the game? It helps me to remember that my troubles produce a glory that will last forever.

The verses I share in this episode speak of a glory that has nothing to do with whether we win or lose. It’s an eternal glory—not a glory that shines brilliantly as long as you win but fizzles out the moment you lose. The Apostle Paul wrote about the promise of eternal glory, and it’s a promise I have held onto when my losses pile up so high that I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you’re convinced that you can’t win for losing, then you’ll be encouraged by the two points I’ll be making today. They’re easy to remember and they’ll help you press through the darkness believing for the light at the end of the tunnel.

This week’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


