Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

The 2 WRONG Ways and 1 RIGHT Way to Handle Stress

September 27, 2023

With increasing food and gas prices making the basics take a bigger bite out of our budgets, it’s hard not to worry, but that’s exactly what God commands. So how do we lower our stress and increase our faith?

In the gospel of Luke, Jesus gives his disciples 2 wrongs and 1 right thing to do when stressing over the cost of living. In Luke 12:22-32 we find Jesus talking to his disciples about how God feeds the birds even though they don’t sow or reap and clothes the wild-flowers even though they don’t labor or spin.

Worrying about life is the first wrong we want to avoid. If you’re like me, your go-to when fear and doubt creep in is worry. What if our auto-response was prayer instead?

The second wrong reaction is Running after stuff. The message of Luke 12:29-30 is twofold: don’t be disheartened by your limited supply AND don’t set your heart on the fine and fancy.

God doesn’t want us to focus on earthly things, He wants us to focus on Him, which brings me to the right response to stress: Seeking God’s kingdom.

Romans 14:17 says, “The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit…”

Righteousness, peace and joy are the ingredients for less stress and less striving. Let’s not hunger for the things of this world, when God can truly satisfy us.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel @BeginAgainGod

This week’s scripture: Luke 12:22-32