Behind the Shot - Video

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Canon Auto-Focus Explained – 2025 Update
NOTE: This is not an official Canon USA show. This is a podcast first and foremost, available in both audio-only or video, and the video is also placed on YouTube. My hope is that by going through all
Growing Through Personal Photography Projects
LA based photographer Ian Spanier has been on the show a few times, with the first being back in 2019 for a conversation about Classic Portraits & Classic Lighting, discussing a portrait of actor Jeff
Backstage Portraits
Social media today can be so draining, but almost daily I am reminded of the wonderful connections I've made there, and today's guest is a perfect example. Jenn Devereaux is a New Orleans area concert
Using the New Canon R1 & R5 Mark II
Im a Canon shooter I shoot an R6 and an R5. So, I have been curious about the new Canon R1, and a little less so about the R5 Mark II. Still, I had written off watching the announcement, because it
Making More Creative Portraits
I have always been fascinated with the education side of photography. I don't have a formal photography education myself, and I am very aware of what skill sets I wish I had been exposed to earlier in
Concert Photography Photo Releases
This is a show I have been thinking about doing for a while, and that I believe is an important subject for both new and veteran music photographers. BUT even if youre not a music photographer, this
Capturing Warbirds
I will never forget growing up hearing my dad talk about his days flying P-51 and P-40 planes. His walls were covered in model planes of classic war birds, as though he was trying to relive his youth.
3 Guys Walk Into a Podcast
One of the things I love about the podcasting world is the instant camaraderie you sometimes feel when talking with other podcasters. It's hard to explain the connection you get when you have somethin
Photographing Spirits of Carnival
The photographers I am exposed to by doing this show never cease to amaze me. Recently, my buddy Ian Spanier told a friend of his that he should be on the show, and gave him my contact info. At that p
Product Photography
I never used to go to photography conferences. It's not that they didn't interest me, it's just that none of them cover my genre of music photography. WPPI is all about weddings and portraits, and whi