Behind the Gate

Behind the Gate

#101 Roth Conversions: Tax Evasion or Smart Investing?

August 18, 2023

Maybe you've read it, maybe you've heard about it - Peter Thiel, Warren Buffet, and Ted Weschler with millions and billions of dollars in their Roth IRA Accounts. How did they do it?

Tax Evasion or Smart Investing?

"Propublica" recently posted an article about Roth Conversions that received some mixed feedback. The article, Lord of the Roths, outlines how some of the richest men in the country were able to convert their IRA accounts to Roth IRAs that can now grow tax-free.

In today's podcast, Spencer and Brian have some answers regarding how this is possible and how this same strategy may be beneficial to you.

Here’s to wise investing,

Brian Hunsaker and Spencer Nelson

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