Behind the Gate

Behind the Gate

#96 Are You a Successful Investor?

August 18, 2023

It’s important from time to time to take a step back and ask yourself the question, “Am I a successful investor?”.

For most, this is a hard question to answer. Too many people are sucked into the wrong ideas when gauging success. Does success come if you’re making money vs losing money? Is it making 10% per year or 3% per year? Is it being in dogecoin when others aren’t?

In today’s podcast, Brett, Brian, and Spencer discuss three steps EVERY investor must go through to answer the question, “Am I a successful investor?”.

These THREE steps are the foundation for investing and they are what we help our clients with every day. As you listen, write these steps down and see if you can answer the question, “Am I a successful investor?”.

Here’s to wise investing,

Brett, Brian, and Spencer

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All investments have inherent risks. There can be no assurance that the investment strategy proposed will obtain its goal. Past performance does not guarantee future results.