Behind Every Employer

Behind Every Employer S2 E5: Ninjas, Subway Cars, Aerospace, and ATVs —Trailblazing Economic Development and Maximizing Diverse Talent at Kawasaki Motors
In this episode, Kevin Mattran, training administrator for Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing, and Bryan Seck, executive director for Lincoln Literacy, sit down with us to discuss how Kawasaki Motors and Lincoln Literacy have partnered to fuel and drive economic expansion and career pathways in Nebraska. This workforce population is exceptionally diverse with 10% nonnative to the United States. Lincoln Literacy and Kawasaki partnered to develop a basic and intermediate level English class to help New Americans increase their understanding of safety, the workplace, and career pathways in the company. This episode provides outstanding examples of not just employer/education collaboration, but also of city leadership, economic development, immigrant integration, comprehensive corporate training pathways, and non-profit trailblazing. Kawasaki Motors has fueled this story of community transformation and has led the way in not only diversified manufacturing but also embracing and growing the strengths of a diversified workforce!