Latest Episodes

15. Sometimes a map is a map, and other times it’s a state of mind.
October 31, 2020

At the moment I’m looking at an old menu from a restaurant called the Brown Derby. On its cover is an imaginary map of Los Angeles with Hollywood at its center. It’s scattered with cartoon depictions of movie cameras,

14. “The American dream is a term that is often used but often misunderstood. It really isn’t about becoming rich and famous. It is about things much simpler and fundamental than that.” Dorothy Dandridge
October 25, 2020

At the onset of our thirties we, the former nannies, while ascending the career ladder, found our personal lives lagging. Polly found her male peers juvenile – emotionally immature and adolescent in their delight at attaining useless things.

13. “You’re only as good as your last picture.”
October 24, 2020

Unlike Mr. Booker, Bob Brown was not a man who, he liked to say, “Waded through god damn minutia,” especially the finer points of male versus female behavior. Bob Brown tended to set goals and chart practical points to achieve them.

12. “You have to be hard-boiled to get through life whether you’re a shop-girl, a debutante, or a movie star.”
October 24, 2020

There is a kind of courtship that goes on between producer and director, a kind of wooing. The producer holds the means of movie making (money) and the director, if they’re any good, provides the vision. There’s a honeymoon period,

Episode 11. “Behind every cloud there’s another cloud.”
October 17, 2020

There are definitely seasons in California, whatever anyone says to the contrary. In the winter the smog lifts. The daytime skies are a blue that delights my New England soul. At night the lights that sprawl from the San Gabriel Mountains to the sea gl...

Episode 10. “I was all right in the long shots, but when it came to close-ups, sustained emotion was beyond me.”
October 11, 2020

“You know my mom and dad came out to visit me when I was on that first movie. I took them to set, Grauman’s Chinese, Max Factor’s. We looked at every little bitty star on Hollywood Boulevard and had hot fudge sundaes at C.C. Brown’s. The day they came to…

Episode 9. “All the men in my life have been two things: an epic and an epidemic.”
October 10, 2020

  Shooting began. Patsy Morris, checking in one afternoon as the crew broke for lunch cautioned me. “Remember, movies are like high school with a paycheck. The same juvenile behavior and more cliques than you can keep track of.”

Episode 8. “It’s not possible to forget pictures. Anyone who works in them thinks of them constantly.”
October 03, 2020

We were in pre-production for months, which is otherwise known as “development.” It’s mostly an accounting trick, cinema semantics as some impressive dollar deals are tied to certain points in the film schedule,

Episode 7 Hollywood & Mine
September 26, 2020

Some people apply battle strategy to film making. Many directors are able to extemporize on Sun Tzu’s thirteen principals of war. I wasn’t very familiar with eastern philosophy, even though Cooper Daniels had sent me to the Bodhi Tree bookstore on Melr...

Episode 6 Hollywood & Mine
September 20, 2020

I scanned the editing room to see if there was a physical tell for an epiphany moment. Two young men in their early twenties, my classmates, were hunched down in a darkened cubicle, stubble across their chins, staring at the projection screen.