Episode 34. Life is the past, the present, and the perhaps.
“Do you know the Mayo Clinic lists menopause under diseases and conditions? What do you think of that?”
“Well, I know it’s not contagious.” He sat down beside me. “Jesus, this is hard on my knees.”
“Sorry about that, old-timer. Cooper, I am not pissed off.”
“Then what’s with the face?”
“This old thing?” He laughed. “Did I ever tell you about when I was nineteen? When I was working for the Taylors?”
“You worked for them?”
“I was the nanny.”
“Shut up!”
“I never knew you were their nanny.”
“I guess I never told you.”
“I was going to say we should go for a drive, catch up, and you could charge your phone in the car, but I don’t think I can get up for a while. Why don’t you tell me now?”
“God. It seems like a million years ago. I came out here from Boston and it was like I’d landed on an alien world. Everything was brighter, so much brighter, more dramatic. The Taylors made me feel like I was living on a movie set.”