Latest Episodes
Episode 35. You made it! The last chapter of Hollywood & Mine
Ive been tossing about as much stardust as I can muster right now. Thats it, this novel is done. I think the podcast of the book runs a bit over 10 hours in its entirety. Let me know if youd like t
Episode 34. Life is the past, the present, and the perhaps.
Do you know the Mayo Clinic lists menopause under diseases and conditions? What do you think of that? Well, I know its not contagious. He sat down beside me. Jesus, this is hard on my knees. S
Episode 33. Hollywood is very pretty, but people grow old here — not outside, but inside.
There were heaps accumulated reminders of a life all around. Everything that served as an archival asset, or a teaching aid for future filmmakers, I boxed and hauled over to the Academy of Motion
Episode 32. It’s said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies — because you never know when you’ll have to work with them.
All through life, instinctively or intellectually, we adapt to survive. Even insects have some boss strategies, for example, the formation of a chitinous exoskeleton, which is the somewhat see-through shell that encapsulates and protects a shrimp or a ...
Episode 31. I always say that if a woman will tell you her age, she will tell you anything.
Life is a series of metamorphoses. Some of them get more airtime than others. I remember once waiting in a gynecologists office to see the doctor. There was his desk, on the walls family pictures, on
Episode 30. Every star I know in Hollywood acknowledges the same fact. With luck you can climb. Without it, your brakes don’t work even when you coast.
For a few short days after Antoines crisis I was more aware of the rhythms and mechanisms of filmmaking and its twitchy straitlaced cousin finance than I had ever been. Much like how time can seem to
Episode 29. Never admit anything to anybody. Honesty is not the best policy.
Lethal stress can come at you no matter whether youre onscreen or off. Actors in Hollywood have committed suicide by swallowing ant paste, Nembutal, or barbiturates. George Sanders (check out his per
Episode 28. I used to slip down to the beach and hold my head under the water just long enough to decide to come back up again…it seemed so ironical to feel like that, just when I was made a star.
Clara Bow wasnt the only one who found Hollywood depressing. On a chilly, unusually clouded over, February afternoon in 2009 when I was 48, after the fourth week of shooting on the revived franchise,
Episode 27 is introduced by Mabel Normand, who said, “Acting in the movies is like a cold — you get used to both after a while.”
Gifted with a glib tongue he moved quickly from never-featured actor, to production assistant, to assistant director, and rapidly ascended the dating scale (as he saw it) from the cute craft service gal who brought cucumber sushi snacks to camera at fo...
All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year. Episode 26
In the words of Dorothy Gale, theres no place like home. The light here is what made filmmakers move to California. It shines here most of the time, and there are certain places, certain times of yea