Be Great TODAY
Latest Episodes
Episode 79: A Squeak of Gratitude
A shampoo bottle squeaked and made me grateful. Grateful for the times I had with my dog.
Episode 78: Our Part In The Story
Each of us have a story. Sometimes we are given a chance to play a part of someone's story.
Episode 77: Do We Irritate or Influence?
My dad posed this question a while back. Do we irritate or influence? What do our words do to others? Does what we say make someone feel better or worse? What's the intent behind what we do?
Episode 76: Seasons
There are many seasons in our lives. Friends, hobbies, businesses, goals and many other things that come and go. We can learn from these seasons.
Episode 75: Those Who Encourage Me
Was thinking this past week about those who encourage me. This includes those who are gone, but all of them have left their influence on me.
Episode 74: Unknown Impact
Sometimes we make an impact, but we may never know the results. What we say and do can make an unknown impact.
Episode 73: Beautiful Mistakes
I ponder about how mistakes can be beautiful, when we "Keep Moving Forward" like in the movie Meet the Robinsons.
Episode 72: What Recharges You?
What recharges you? What keeps you going? What brings you energy?
Episode 71: How Do I Do That?
I find one of the best responses to an idea or problem is to ask "How Do I Do That?"
Episode 70: Focusing Our Goals
2019 is coming and it is a great time time for focusing our goals on what we want to accomplish in our lives.