Before You Quit

Before You Quit

Podcast Ep.108: Faith, The Gospel and Creation (Chuck Bultman)

June 07, 2023

This generation, as have others, is profoundly affected by a secular world view. However more of its impact can also now be felt in the church. How often do we hear of someone we love, a son or daughter, who eventually walks away from their faith, and it all started when someone suggested that Adam might not be a historical figure after all. How do you respond to the seeming contradictions with what the Bible says and what science says? Did Noah’s flood really happen? What about Dinosaurs? The ice age? A conversation about all this goes far beyond slinging ideas and opinions at one another. It has spiritual significance. I am so grateful to have had this conversation over all this and more with teacher and scientist Chuck Bultman.

You can check out Chuck’s lectures here.

Chuck attended Christian schools all the way through high school and came out believing the Bible was completely correct.  Then at a Christian college he accepted the belief that God had used evolution to get everything we see.  After graduating from  Stanford University with a teaching degree, creation remained an issue for his science-friendly mind and he kept trying to reconcile evolution and the Bible.  After attending summer school at U of Colorado,  U of Washington, U of Wisconsin, Michigan Tech, and Grand Valley State U, (all of which assumed evolution in their teaching), he heard a presentation by ICR’s John Morris and AIG’s Ken Ham which brought his theistic evolution to extinction.  When they pointed out the implications of “no death before Adam” and a truly globe-covering flood, there was no room left for his theistic evolution compromise.

His next “thought” journey then became “how to explain all of the geology and biology that he had been taught”- but now within a creation model.  Many great family trips out west and to museums have resulted from this on-going quest.  Now, after 40 years of teaching high school sciences, he has retired from teaching in the public schools and looks forward to helping others resist the claims of evolutionary science by demonstrating that these claims are scientifically answerable from a biblical worldview.

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