Before You Quit
Podcast Ep.100: The Woman’s Role (Amy Spreeman and Michelle Lesley)
- There are heavy conversations going on today about the role of women in ministry. The two views fall under one of two categories. Either Complementarian or Egalitarian. Here is an adequate definition of each. “Complementarian and egalitarianism are two views used to describe the role of women in the church. Complementarianism is the view that women are limited regarding leadership roles in the church (such as elder/pastor or deacon). Egalitarianism is the view that women can serve in all forms of church leadership, including ordination as pastors.” (Source here) In this podcast, and the one following, I will devote the time to each topic. While I am a Complementarian I try to remain as neutral as I can in both interviews. In this podcast I had the privilege of interviewing Amy Spreeman and Michel Lesley. In a couple weeks I will put out a podcast with C&MA pastor, Rob Bashioum who serves as lead Pastor at Salem Alliance Church.
- Today we will talk about what does the Bible say regarding the role of women in the church? How much is culture shaping the changing views of the role of women either at home or in the church? And, what pastors perhaps need to consider if they are stuck in the middle of this debate.
Here is more information about today’s guests.
Amy Spreeman hails from Minnesota, but has spent most of her adult life across the border in Wisconsin. She and her husband have two grown kids and are empty-nesters, except for the dogs and chickens. Amy enjoys reading and designing websites in her spare time, and loves to listen to Christian audiobooks and podcasts. Growing up, she was fascinated with the cult craze of the 70s, and started researching movements within the visible church after learning first hand how devastating those aberrant gospels (small g) can be. In 2010 she helped launch a discernment radio program called Stand Up for the Truth, and spent 5 years having her mind blown by the level of apostasy in churches around the world. When she speaks at conferences and women’s groups, she points them to the hope of Jesus Christ. She is the founder of Berean Research and Naomi’s Table Bible Studies for Women. You can also check out her archives from earlier work at
Michelle Lesley hails from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, (Geaux Tigers!) where she and her husband are the proud parents of five sons and one daughter ranging in age from their teens to their thirties. Michelle loves to read, cook, and stay active in women’s ministry and other activities at church. God has blessed her with ministry opportunities outside the church as well, from authoring a women’s Bible study to writing Sunday School material for a major Christian publisher to speaking all over the country at women’s conferences, on podcasts, and at other events. Currently, Michelle’s ministry focus is discipling Christian women through her writing. Find out more about Michelle and her ministry at her blog: Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women.
Both Michelle and Amy host a podcast called, called A Word Fitly Spoken. Check it out here.
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